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Our wooden RCA connectors

Our Technology > Our Connectors

Carbon nanotubes shielded

Audio connectors are quite important as they compose the sensitive conductor ends of the cables. The most of the high level RCA connectors existing in our days have fancy metallic structures and they look like expensive jewelleries.

Some of theme are made of exotic materials and have impressive shapes. Unfortunately, although they have an excellent conductivity and a very high shielding factor (as they compose a Faraday Cage), they also increase the total cable capacitance due to their heavy metallic shells.
On the other hand, others, more sophisticated yet not so presentable, like our RCA connectors, have non metallic shells and minimum metal contacts. Again, although they have minimum capacitance they are completely unshielded against distortion produced by the EMI and RFI interfaces.

In order to overcome those problems conventional connectors of all types suffer from, we have redesigned our RCA connectors to upgrade them in a way as to have the lowest possible metal content, a superior shielding factor and luxury appearance at the same time thus creating an original alternative for the demanding yet style-conscious audiophile.

Our new RCA connectors are exclusively made of durable, dense and solid pure olive wood from the Greek island of Corfu. This beautiful material is almost everlasting as olive tree wood is renowned for its durability, an inherent trait due to the wood's high density of 92%. Every piece remains in the dark for a period of three years in order to loose very slowly its humidity thus giving a strong resistance to the raw material. In addition the grain structure of the olive wood is unique, making each piece properly one of a kind.
By using our Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes Shield technology we cover the connector's wooden interior by applying directly on it a double layer of our unique electro-conductive metal free carbon nanotubes masterbatch.

Then an extremely thin, almost transparent, lacquer coating is applied stabilizing and safely isolating the entire carbon nanotubes structure out of the atmosphere.
The result is an eye-opener. A gorgeous minimum metal content yet heavy shielded wooden RCA connector that is audible more efficient, thus giving to our cables smooth, effortless and uncoloured sound reproduction.

More carbon nanotubes shielded RCA features:

  • Signal and signal return connections are made in a single piece, avoiding joined contact losses, thus achieving very high conductivity.
  • They are capable of isolating vibrations produced by the components' chassis, the sonic waves and the speakers themselves' using our patented Elastic handling mechanism.
  • All conductive metal parts are made of a thick gold layer over a blend of regular copper and very regular zinc. We use gold since it has the best conductivity of all metals, practically similar to silver. However, gold is oxidized very slowly. For keeping high conductivity in the course of time we recommend using our pastra cleaner liquid.
  • High internal thermal, chemical and mechanical stability due to the lacquer coating.
  • Very high hermetic factor thus providing a secure carbon nanotubes isolation.
  • Ideal eclectic insulation.
  • Excellent durability archiving a time-lasting stable RCA connector.
  • Ecological raw material since olive wood comes from the trimmings, an essential process to keep the olive trees healthy. Furthermore all connectors are covered only with virgin olive oil and one can freshen them oiling at regular intervals by using our pure olive oil provided.

Excellence in manufacturing, superior design and high performance innovative materials compose an example of a simplicity and effective beauty. An extended step forward in RCA connectors technology design and execution.


Presentation of our nanotubes shielded wooden RCA connectors at the "HXOS" magazine.

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Presentation of nanotubes shielded wooden RCA connectors at the "A.C.A." website forum.
(Audiophile Club of Athens)

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Presentation of our nanotubes shielded wooden RCA connectors at the "AVmentor" internet audiophile magazine.

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Our wooden RCA projects:

elixir ( Nanotubes Technology Interconnect System )

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